Plants in the workplace improve productivity and employee happiness

Many people feel that having plants and flowers around can improve overall happiness and even work productivity. I of course feel that they do have a positive impact on people and atmosphere.

Over the past several years, there have been some scientific studies to show the effects of plants and flowers in the workplace. These studies have actually shown that there is an increase of productivity in the workplace and that the employees in those work places do feel an improved emotional state.


In an article posted on regarding a study that Texas A&M University conducted, the results showed that both men and women showed an increase in innovative thinking and problem solving techniques. Men who participated generated 15% more ideas while exposed to plants/flowers in the workplace than men who were not exposed to plants/flowers.

Our research shows that a change as simple as adding flowers and plants can be important in the most meaningful way to businesses in the modern economy,” said Dr. Roger Ulrich, lead researcher on the project. “People’s productivity, in the form of innovation and creative problem solving, improved – which in certain circumstances could mean the difference between mild and great business success.

“Texas A&M: Flowers & Plants Promote Innovation, Ideas.” Http:// Web.

While modern and lean office spaces can be cost efficient and appealing, an environment that is too minimal can feel sterile and actually have a negative impact on the overall well-being of its tenants. There are plenty of ways to still maintain a modern interior aesthetic while incorporating more organic elements such as plants and flowers. There are a lot of options that can help blend plants and flowers into a variety of interior themes, from a multitude of container styles, built-in fixtures, wall mount installations and even hanging containers.

An article from provides some insights into a study that Exeter University conducted around this topic. It’s so interesting to see how one of nature’s most abundant creations can really help people beyond the garden.

Dr Chris Knight from Exeter University and his fellow psychologists, who have been studying the issue for 10 years, concluded that employees were 15% more productive when “lean” workplaces are filled with just a few houseplants, as employees who actively engage with their surroundings are better workers.

Malik, Shiv. “Plants in Offices Increase Happiness and Productivity.” Http:// 31 Aug. 2014. Web.

An article on involving the Exeter University study stated that there were reports of significant increased satisfaction in the workplace, self-reported improved concentration, and there was an improvement of perceived overall air quality.

‘Green’ offices with plants make staff happier and more productive than ‘lean’ designs stripped of greenery, new research shows.

“Why plants in the office make us more productive”
Http:// 1 Sep. 2014. Web.

There are more studies out there and more that are being conducted in this space. Aside from anecdotal reports, there is now scientific evidence of the benefits of plants and flowers in the workplace, not just for the people, but for the companies as well. Happier employees mean a happier workspace and more productivity!

Ladies Mingle & Jingle Gift Market at Bear Creek Dist. Thu Dec 18

I’m excited to share a great market event that will be going on Thursday, Dec 18 at Denver’s own Bear Creek Distillery.

It is a Ladies Mingle & Jingle night to celebrate local hand crafted products and gifts.


We will feature homemade holiday confections by Cate Baker, festive wreaths, plant products and florals by yours truly and enjoy some muddled cocktails by Bear Creek Distillery. Bear Creek will also have their own vodkas and rums available for purchase along with some gift baskets featuring other local products such as The Real Dill Pickles and more.

Please come down and enjoy this evening with us. It is open to the public.

Bear Creek Distillery
1879 S Acoma Street (Jewell and Acoma just west of Broadway)
Click for MAP
Thursday, Dec 18

Local art showcase at Night and Day Vintage in Denver Nov 15

Our friends at one of Denver’s best vintage and antique shops, Night and Day Vintage, is hosting and evening of art, music and vintage!

This event will be showcasing new artworks by Mario Prieto Lopez, and other local artists including MYSELF!

Here is a sneak peek at one of the pieces I’ll have in the show:

I’m so excited to have some pieces exhibited in this show. I hope you can make it down to enjoy all of the artistic spirit that will be alive in this amazing shop.

There will also be a special musical performance by retro French pop artists,  Toi et Moi .

You’ll have a chance to meet some our their other in-house artists and the basement will host three pop-up vintage shops including: Down Boy Down, Jerks and Fillies and Saint Vintage Clothing!

Hope to see you there!

Event facebook page:

Event Info:
Night and Day Vintage
Saturday, November 15, 2014
6:00pm – 10:00pm

39 W. 11th Ave. (near 11th & Broadway) Click for Map
Denver, CO 80204

Shop Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 12 to 6 p.m.
Saturday 11 to 5 p.m.
Sunday 12 to 4 p.m.

For more info on the shop visit their website:

What a great Summer!

Wow! It’s already time for the holidays. The summer has been awesome and I have had some amazing experiences working with some of the greatest people.

I was very fortunate to work with clients on their special days. Weddings are some of my favorite events to be a part of. I have also had the opportunity to be a part of other events, providing arrangements and bouquets to some very special people, participate in local markets, collaborate with local artists and continue the growth of my business.


Out Front Magazine Power Party Event

Here are some photos from my work over the last season:



Goat Skull wall installation featuring succulents and air plants made from reclaimed fence post and branches.


Custom cellar installation in the basement of the Meadowlark Bar featuring various plants, moss, crystals & minerals, horns and custom painted cinder blocks.



Outdoor wedding event in Breckenridge Colorado.


Table piece for a wedding in Maryland.


Thank you to everyone who has help support me and who have been a part of this great journey with me.

Caring for air plants

Air plants, or Tellandsia, are fairly low maintenance plants and are easy to care for. In the wild, they typically grow on other plants or trees and even on rocks and non-soil surfaces. We use them in a variety of our decorative pieces and they practically grow almost anywhere!


Everyone has their own techniques and climate/location play a big roll in what works well or not. The following is an approach that I use and have recommended and has worked very well.

What you need:

  • Small container like a ramekin
  • Fresh water
  • Time tracking device (clock, timer, etc.)
  • And of course the plant

Fill a small container, like a ramekin, with about .5″ of water for small-medium plants and about 1″ for larger ones.

Take the plant and set the bottom root area into a small container for about 2 hours. Do this about once a week for best results in Colorado climate.

That’s it! Place the plant back into its container and keep an eye on the moisture during the next week.

If you have any tips, please feel free to share them in the comments below.